Upcoming Events

Join us for REV Conference 2025 - “Overflow”
Our desire is for students to know that the presence of our God is not confined to a building, event, or conference. Our prayer is that at REV conference 2025, students will understand that the Spirit of the Living God is living inside them. And if they would allow Him to overflow into all areas of their lives, He can change their lives, families, friend groups, and schools.
The conference will be from 6-9pm both nights with worship and our main speaker at 7pm. This year, we are having a late night hangout in our Oneighty building after service on Friday night. Dinner is provided both nights with the cost of the conference.
If you are a Youth Pastor, reach out to us at courtneysrichoux@gmail.com for a free ticket promo code.

If you are new to ALC and would like to learn more about our church OR if you are interested in joining a serve team, We want to invite you to Next Steps. Join us in the Celebration Room on Sunday, March 16th right after service for lunch as you learn about our church, meet our staff, & receive information about how to get involved. We are looking forward to meeting you & helping you take your Next Step as a member of Abundant Life Church!